Thomas A. Monroe

Dear readers and future patients,

I’m compelled to write a short synopsis of my stay here at Mediloge.
I was living independently in my own apartment when I took very ill. I lost 45lbs and ended up at the U of M for surgery. For rehab, I chose MediLodge of Portage because my son and family lived close by. I’m not a gambling man but it turned out to be the best “Roll of the dice” I could have made.

Everyone I came into contact with was so concerned about my health. In 2 months, I was walking again. In 3 months, I had regained the 45lbs.

For me, it was a superior 5-star experience. So many professionals to say thank you to with much love. My motto is “live for love, adventure, and knowledge”. They did their job; mine was to make them laugh and keep it light-hearted. We all succeeded. They all know who they are!

They’ll never be forgotten,
Thomas A. Monroe
P.S. Ask them about the spoon toss game. I got pretty good at it.

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